Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ms. S

The cell phone rang over the noise of the house.  I answered and found the caller on the other end of the line to be my best friend I had known since I was 12.  She asked me if I thought Addie Grace might be old enough to babysit.  That might have been a strange question to anyone else, but I knew EXACTLY what that question meant.  

For years, I had teased her and said that my girls would be able to babysit for her before she ever decided to have a child.  This was seriously exciting news for me.  I was done having my children, and was now going to have a new baby to dress up, and photograph!

Sydney made her entrance into this world July 6, 2010 and changed her Mom and Dad's world forever.  Her Daddy was wrapped around her little finger from day 1. 

There are now about 90 miles between us, and it has been a while since I had the opportunity to photograph sweet Syd.  Needless to say, I was super excited to get the call from her Mom saying they were coming to visit, and she wanted pictures of Sydney.  I spent the good part of a Saturday afternoon chasing a cute little blonde headed, blue eyed, cutie full of personality and sass.

Thanks so much for the visit!


Ms. M

Sometimes, you find that certain people have been placed in your life, and you know God put them there.  Last September our family made a move from the only home my children had ever known, to a little town called Heber Springs, AR.  

I had the pleasure of making these 2 ladies acquaintance through Lily's softball team.

The lovely lady on the right, has such a big heart and kind spirit.  It shines through the smile that she wears on her face, her encouraging words, willingness to help, and uplifting personality.  I consider it an honor to call her my friend.

Ms. M.

She may be the spitting image of her Daddy, but she carries the same kind spirit as her Mother.  

I was given the opportunity to get this little cutie in front of my lens and I was over the moon excited!  Who wouldn't love the chance to photograph those shining eyes and freckles?  Every once and while a little bit of orneriness shows through.  (I'm guessing that has to be inherited
 from her Daddy, because I don't think her Momma has an ornery bone in her.)

Our session began with Ms. M's cousins joining us for some special shots.  Guess what?!?   They are just as cute as she is!  Even with the bitter wind, they provided the biggest smiles.

I had a blast with all of them.  They are the best at shaking off the stiffness! Little Mr. A was quite the character, always ready with the beaming smile.  (And, the best acorn finder I have ever seen.)

The perfect ending to a chilly Fall morning session?  A big steaming mug of hot chocolate topped with fluffy little marshmallows!

Many Thanks to the Clemons family for spending their Saturday morning with me and my camera,


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Best Friends Session

What better way to remember a girls week together than to have it photographed?  Three crazy, fun, and adventurous ladies and I set out to make it a day to remember.  We started out by the lake where they had rented a quaint little cabin.  Their session started with lots of laughter.  Especially when Anita presented them with the signs she had made especially for each friend.

Some much needed relief from the heat of the day came when we ventured out to Collins Creek.  Shade, falling water, and laughter made for some awesome pictures of their time spent together.

Fun and laughter resumed as we made our way to Spring Park.  A whirl or two on the Merry-Go-Round,  a test of friendship on the teeter totter.  (If you have ever been on a teeter totter, you know what I mean.  To be bumped off of one is almost an unforgettable act.) and an untellable story in the swings.  If you want to know, ask Brenda.  

Our next stop was Sandy Beach.  Seriously this group of women was so much fun to work with.  Anita had some great tricks up her sleeve to get some genuine smiles out of her friends!  

Just when I thought the fun was about over, Polly and Brenda had a surprise for Anita.  Surprise, Happy Birthday!

Thanks to you three ladies for allowing me to help tell your story of a lifetime of fun, laughter and friendship.